III.Main areas of concern and recommendations
5.The Committee recommends that the State party ensure the realization of children’s rights in accordance with the Convention, the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography throughout the process of implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also urges the State party to ensure the meaningful participation of children in the design and implementation of policies and programmes aimed at achieving all 17 Sustainable Development Goals as far as they concern children.
5. 委員会は、日本に対し、2030アジェンダ – 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の実施プロセスを通じ、子どもの権利条約、武力紛争への子どもの関与に関する任意議定書、子どもの売買、児童買春、児童ポルノに関する任意議定書にのっとり、子どもの権利の実現を確保することを推奨する。また国に対し、子どもに関連する全ての17の持続可能な開発目標の達成を目指した政策とプログラムの策定と実施において、子どもの意義ある参加を確保することを督促する。
C.General principles (arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12)
18. The Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Enact comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation ;
(b) Repeal all provisions that discriminate against children on any basis, including those that relate to the status of children born to unmarried parents ;
(c) Strengthen the measures, including awareness-raising programmes, campaigns and human-rights education, to reduce and prevent discrimination in practice, particularly against children belonging to ethnic minorities, including Ainu people, children of Buraku people, children of non-Japanese origin, such as Korean, children of migrant workers, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children, children born outside marriage and children with disabilities.
18. 委員会は日本に対し以下を直ちに行うよう督促する:
Right to life, survival and development
20. The Committee recalls its previous recommendation (CRC/C/JPN/CO/3, para. 42) and urges the State party to:
(a) Take measures to ensure that children enjoy their childhood, without their childhood and development being harmed by the competitive nature of society;
(b) Research the root causes for suicide among children, implement preventive measures and equip schools with social workers and psychological consultation services ;
(c) Ensure that children ’ s facilities adhere to appropriate minimum safety standards and introduce automatic, independent and public reviews of unexpected death or serious injury involving children ;
(d) Strengthen targeted measures to prevent traffic, school and domestic accidents and ensure appropriate response, including steps to ensure road safety, the provision of safety and first-aid training and the expansion of paediatric emergency care.
20. 委員会は、第3回の日本に対する勧告(CRC/C/JPN/CO/3, para. 42)を想起し、日本に対し以下を直ちに行うよう督促する:
(a) 社会の競争的性質によってその子ども時代と発達が害されることなく、子どもが楽しめるよう措置を取ること。
(b) 子どもの自殺の根本原因を研究し、予防策を実施し、学校にスクールソーシャルワーカーや心理カウンセリングサービスを配置すること。
(c) 子ども関連施設が適切な最低限の安全基準を順守することを確保するとともに、子どもを巻き込む死亡事故や重傷事故を自動的、独立的、公的に検証する仕組みを導入すること。
(d) 交通事故、学校や家庭内での事故を防止するための対策を強化し、道路の安全確保、安全・応急手当ての訓練の提供、小児救急医療の拡充など、適切な対応を確保すること。
Respect for the views of the child
22. Recalling its general comment No. 12 (2009) on the right of the child to be heard, the Committee urges the State party to assure to any child who is able to form views the right to freely express those views, without age limitations, in all matters affecting the child, and that due weight be given to the child ’ s views, while providing safeguards against intimidation and punishment of a child. It further recommends that the State party provide an environment that enables the child to exercise her or his right to be heard and actively promote meaningful and empowered participation of all children in the family, schools, alternative care and health and medical settings, judicial and administrative proceedings concerning them and the local community, and on all relevant issues, including environmental matters.
22. 委員会は、一般的意見第12号(子どもが聴かれる権利)を想起し、日本に対し、全ての子どもが、影響を受ける全ての事項において、年齢の制限なく自由に想いや願いを表明する権利を保障し、表明された子どもの想いや願いが相応に尊重されるようにし、子どもが想いや願いを表明することに対する威圧や懲罰を防止するセーフガードを設けるよう、督促する。また、子どもが聴かれる権利を行使できる環境の提供、家族・学校・代替養育・医療の場、子どもに関する司法・行政手続き、地域社会での子どもの意義ある参加の推進を勧告する。
E.Violence against children (arts. 19, 24 (3), 28 (2), 34, 37 (a) and 39)
Corporal punishment
26. Bearing in mind its general comment No. 8 (2006) on the right of the child to protection from corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment, the Committee recalls its previous recommendation (CRC/C/JPN/CO/3, para. 48) and urges the State party to:
(a) Explicitly and fully prohibit all corporal punishment, however light, in law, particularly in the Child Abuse Prevention Act and the Civil Code, in all settings, including in the home, in alternative care and day-care settings and in penal institutions ;
(b) Strengthen its measures to eliminate corporal punishment in practice in all settings, including by intensifying its awareness-raising campaigns and promoting positive, non-violent and participatory forms of child-rearing and discipline.
26. 委員会は、一般的意見第8号(子どもに対する体罰その他残虐なまたは品位を傷つける形式の刑罰からの保護についての子どもの権利)及び第3回の勧告(CRC/C/JPN/CO/3, para. 48)を想起し、国に対し以下を督促する:
(a) 児童虐待防止法や民法において、家庭内や代替養育・保育施設および刑事施設を含むあらゆる場における体罰を明示的かつ完全に禁止すること。たとえ軽微なものであっても同様である。
(b) 啓発キャンペーンの強化などを通じ、あらゆる場での体罰撤廃のための取組を強化するとともに、子育て・規律における肯定的で非暴力的かつ参加型の形態を推進すること。
F.Family environment and alternative care (arts. 5, 9–11, 18 (1) and (2), 20, 21, 25 and 27 (4))
Children deprived of a family environment
29. Drawing the State party ’ s attention to the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, the Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Introduce a mandatory judicial review for determining whether a child should be removed from the family, set up clear criteria for removal of the child and ensure that children are separated from their parents as a measure of last resort only, when it is necessary for their protection and in their best interests, after hearing the child and its parents;
(b) Ensure the prompt and effective enforcement of the “ New Vision for Alternative Care and the Role of Society in Child Well-being ” with clear timelines, prompt deinstitutionalization of children starting with those younger than 6 years old and the establishment of fostering agencies;
(c) Abolish the practice of temporary custody of children in child guidance centres ;
(d) Prevent, investigate and prosecute those responsible for child abuse in alternative care settings, ensure periodic independent external review of the placement of children in foster care and institutional settings, such as child guidance centres, and monitor the quality of care therein, including by providing accessible and safe channels for reporting, monitoring and remedying maltreatment of children;
(e) Redirect financial resources from institutions to family-like settings, such as foster families, and strengthen the municipal capacity to implement deinstitutionalization and simultaneously strengthen family-based arrangements, ensuring that all foster parents receive comprehensive support, adequate training and monitoring;
(f) Amend the Foster Parent Placement Guidelines to clearly instruct child guidance centres to bring cases to family court when the biological parents ’ decision on their children ’ s placement is against their children ’ s best interests.
29. 子どもの代替養育のためのガイドラインを日本に注意喚起した上で、委員会は日本に対し以下を督促する:
(a) 子どもを家族から引き離す必要性を判断するために義務的な司法判断を導入し、引き離しのための明確な基準を設定すること。子どもとその親に聴取した上で、保護のために必要かつ子どもの最善の利益に資する場合にのみ、最後の手段として親からの引き離しが行われることを確保すること。
(b) 「子どもの福祉のための代替養育ビジョン」の速やかなかつ効果的な施行を確保すること。6歳未満の子どもから始めて施設ケアからの脱却を速やかに行い、里親機関の設立を行うこと。
(c) 児童相談所における子どもの仮保護の慣行を廃止すること。
(d) 代替養育における子どもへの虐待の防止・捜査・訴追および施設と里親ケアへの子ども配置の定期的独立外部チェックとケアの質のモニタリングを実施すること。
(e) 財源を施設から家庭的養育へと移行させ、非施設ケアへの移行と家庭的養育の同時強化を図ること。里親への包括的支援、適切な訓練とモニタリングを確保すること。
(f) 里親委託ガイドラインを改正し、子どもの最善の利益に反する場合に家庭裁判所への申立てを行うことを指示すること。
G.Disability, basic health and welfare (arts. 6, 18 (3), 23, 24, 26, 27 (1)–(3) and 33)
Reproductive and mental health
35. Recalling its general comments No. 4 (2003) on adolescent health and development in the context of the Convention and No. 20 (2016) on the implementation of the rights of the child during adolescence, and bearing in mind target 5.6 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee urges the State party to:
(a) Adopt a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health policy for adolescents and ensure that sexual and reproductive health education is consistently implemented as part of the mandatory school curriculum and targeted at adolescent girls and boys, with a special focus on preventing early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections;
(b) Improve access to quality, age-appropriate HIV/AIDS services, and education in schools, improve access to and coverage of antiretroviral therapy and prophylaxis for HIV-infected pregnant girls and provide adequate support to the AIDS Clinical Centre and its 14 regional core hospitals;
(c) Consider decriminalizing abortion in all circumstances and increase access to safe abortion and post-abortion care services for adolescent girls ;
(d) Address the emotional and psychological well-being of children and adolescents through a multidisciplinary approach, including analysis of root causes, awareness-raising and increasing the number of specialists;
(e) Ensure that diagnoses of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are thoroughly examined, that prescription of drugs are used as a measure of last resort and only after an individualized assessment and that children and their parents are properly informed about the possible side effects of such treatment and non-medical alternatives, and conduct a study on the root causes of the increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnoses and psychostimulant drug prescriptions.
35. 委員会は、一般的意見第4号(条約の文脈における思春期の健康と発達)及び第20号(思春期の子どもの権利の実施)を想起し、持続可能な開発目標のターゲット5.6を念頭に置きつつ、日本に対し以下を督促する:
(a) 思春期の男女を対象とした総合的な性と生殖に関する健康政策を採択し、義務教育の一環として性教育と生殖保健教育が継続的に実施されることを確保すること。早期妊娠と性感染症の予防に特に力を入れること。
(b) エイズ治療研究会とその14の地域中核病院への充分な支援の提供を含め、HIV/エイズに関する適切な年齢のサービスと情報へのアクセスを改善すること。
(c) あらゆる状況下での中絶の非犯罪化を検討するとともに、思春期の少女の安全な中絶や中絶後の医療サービスへのアクセスを向上させること。
(d) 根本原因の分析、啓発、専門家の増員など多角的アプローチで、子どもと思春期の精神保健の向上に取り組むこと。
(e) ADHDと診断される子どもに対して、処方薬を最後の手段とし、個別評価の上で用いられることを確保するとともに、患者とその親への副作用と非薬物療法の選択肢の説明を適切に行うこと。ADHDの増加原因の調査と必要な対策をとること。
I.Special protection measures (arts. 22, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37 (b)–(d) and 38–40)
Administration of juvenile justice
45. The Committee urges the State party to bring its juvenile justice system fully into line with the Convention and other relevant standards. In particular, the Committee recalls its previous concluding observations (CRC/C/JPN/CO/3, para. 85) and urges the State party to:
(a) Study the root causes of child offending and urgently implement preventive measures ;
(b) Study child offending trends since 2000 to inform a reconsideration of shifting the “ minimum age for criminal punishment ” back to 16 years of age ;
(c) Ensure the provision of qualified and independent legal aid to children in conflict with the law at an early stage of the procedure and throughout the legal proceedings ;
(d) Ensure that no child is tried by adult criminal courts, increase the use of non-judicial measures in the case of children accused of criminal offences, such as diversion, probation, mediation, counselling or community service, and, whenever possible, use non-custodial sentences;
(e) Ensure that pretrial and post-trial deprivation of liberty are used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest possible period of time and that such deprivation of liberty is reviewed on a regular basis with a view to its withdrawal, in particular:
(i) Review the designation of children as “ likely to commit crime ” and end the detention of such children;
(ii) Reconsider the use of life imprisonment and indeterminate sentences for crimes committed by children and apply the specialized parole system to ensure that detention is used for the shortest appropriate period.
45. 委員会は、日本に対し少年司法制度を条約その他の関連基準に完全に符合させることを督促する。特に、第3回の最終所見(CRC/C/JPN/CO/3、パラ85) を想起し、以下を督促する:
(a) 子どもの非行の根本原因に関する研究と予防策の緊急の実施をすること。
(b) 2000年以降の子どもの非行傾向に関する研究を行い、刑事責任年齢を16歳に戻すことを再考するための基礎情報とすること。
(c) 子どもが法律上の紛争に巻き込まれた場合、手続きの初期段階から、適格で独立した法的援助が提供されることを確保すること。
(d) 成人の刑事裁判所で子どもが裁かれることがないようにし、更生や保護観察などの司法外措置を拡大するとともに、可能な限り非拘束刑を用いること。
(e) 勾留前後の自由剥奪が最後の手段として最短期間で用いられ、定期的に見直されて早期解消を図ることを確保すること。